New dishes in our Menu

...we hope you´ll enjoy them.

Pleasant atmosphere...

...and professional staff are our standards.

Quality Ingredients

...fresh ingredients make a savoury and aromatic dining experience in our restaurant.

Lunch Menu

...between 11:00 AM and 3PM we offer our lunch menu.

Foood Delivery

...our Tandoor restaurant provides first class food delivery throughout Prague.


Mixed pickles

Spicy and sour made from vegetables and fruits.

55 Kč
65 Kč
10 Kč

Mango chutney

Sweet, spicy condiment made from mangoes.

55 Kč
65 Kč
10 Kč


Yoghurt lightly spiced with finely chopped onion and fresh coriander leaves.

55 Kč
65 Kč
10 Kč